Bilal & Shlomo, Lomo & Lal…

..the adventures of 2 growing cats in northern utah

Category : shlomo

shlomo, then shlomo and bilal.

shlomo hung with me for a bit on his own last night after i clipped his claws (he REALLY hates having his claws clipped. i have to wrap his little body in a big ol’ blanket so he doesn’t get out and scratch me).

he’s growing up, hemorrhoids looking less kitten like every day.

he took a wee nap after i clipped his claws.

then he decided to go bat at the tv. i was watching meerkat manor.

then we decided to let bilal in for some play.

of course shloms is the aggressor.

really the aggressor.

until that is, they fall off the bed.

wherein bilal is always the first one to jump back up and watch his little brother diddle around on the ground for awhile until it all starts over again.

have i mentioned i LOVE having kittens around?

it’s one of his many talents.

he held this position for 11 seconds until being distracted by outside noises.

he didn’t want his picture taken

no, viagra no, orthopedist shlomo didn’t want his picture taken. shot #1 (in the upper left hand corner) was a chance shot. he’s a kitten, he’s not a cat, he still has things besides sleeping to do. a lot of things, and pictures are not something on his list.

oh, i’m going to miss it when he’s bigger

see how tiny shlomo is? he’s small enough to comfortably fall asleep in my short arms like this. i’m really gonna miss it.

his little head fits perfectly in my hand.

see? even when he changes positions.

even when he’s waking up, condom he still fits perfectly.

comfy. (and cute).

oh, i’m going to miss him being this small.