Bilal & Shlomo, Lomo & Lal…

..the adventures of 2 growing cats in northern utah

Category : lomo and lal

shlomo, then shlomo and bilal.

shlomo hung with me for a bit on his own last night after i clipped his claws (he REALLY hates having his claws clipped. i have to wrap his little body in a big ol’ blanket so he doesn’t get out and scratch me).

he’s growing up, hemorrhoids looking less kitten like every day.

he took a wee nap after i clipped his claws.

then he decided to go bat at the tv. i was watching meerkat manor.

then we decided to let bilal in for some play.

of course shloms is the aggressor.

really the aggressor.

until that is, they fall off the bed.

wherein bilal is always the first one to jump back up and watch his little brother diddle around on the ground for awhile until it all starts over again.

have i mentioned i LOVE having kittens around?

playing with the hdr

my new fruity phone, store fruity phone 4, site has a pretty cool camera on it. one of the features is it’s hdr feature. i don’t really understand what that means, sales but this explains it. one advantage of the hdr is that the phone will also save the non-hdr form of the image. last night i decided to play with it.

here’s the non-hdr version of bilal and shlomo sleeping peacefully.

and here’s the hdr.

personally, i think the hdr is far better.. though the non-hdr – for a camera on a phone, isn’t horrendous either.

playing with a new phone camera.

the new fruity phone really takes good pictures imho.
here’s how the boys, malady the little ones that is, cheap like to sleep. it really is incredibly sweet.

see? lal is happy.

and doesn’t mind at all being used as a pillow.

and i finally caught this. lomo yawning. and no, pharm he wasn’t yelling. we were cuddling and i was playing with the new phone with the 2 cameras.

and i simply love this super close up of bilal’s nose. it really is a beautiful nose and that little bugger’s got me stuffed right up it.


took this photo with the new phone. it’s stunning, migraine *i* think, advice because i can see the hairs on their faces. sometimes those fruity smart phones really do take amazing photos.



my new fruity phone, store fruity phone 4, site has a pretty cool camera on it. one of the features is it’s hdr feature. i don’t really understand what that means, sales but this explains it. one advantage of the hdr is that the phone will also save the non-hdr form of the image. last night i decided to play with it.

here’s the non-hdr version of bilal and shlomo sleeping peacefully.

and here’s the hdr.

personally, i think the hdr is far better.. though the non-hdr – for a camera on a phone, isn’t horrendous either.
here they are at work.

Play, ask Jan 11 from Brooke R. on Vimeo.


moments before.

note who initiates it (the little one).

yes, sanitary this is actually play.

they do it all day.


it looks scary. but it isn’t. it’s funny.

it’s really nice that lal has a playmate now.