Bilal & Shlomo, Lomo & Lal…

..the adventures of 2 growing cats in northern utah


my new fruity phone, store fruity phone 4, site has a pretty cool camera on it. one of the features is it’s hdr feature. i don’t really understand what that means, sales but this explains it. one advantage of the hdr is that the phone will also save the non-hdr form of the image. last night i decided to play with it.

here’s the non-hdr version of bilal and shlomo sleeping peacefully.

and here’s the hdr.

personally, i think the hdr is far better.. though the non-hdr – for a camera on a phone, isn’t horrendous either.
here they are at work.

Play, ask Jan 11 from Brooke R. on Vimeo.


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